This is a photo of a familiar face around the Tri Village community!
Everyone knows Rusty Court. Even people who don't know Rusty, know of him. He is a high profile individual. Let me count the ways.
First and foremost we have , at one time or another, noticed his boat the Casey Anne (dark green hull) in the Harbor, moored off from the town pier, engaged in restocking short lobsters near Capitol Island, doing familiarization tours with TV crews, writers, waitstaff, executive vice presidents and high profile celebs! Even an ocassional “high five” off the end of the Monhegan public pier. To say that Rusty gets around might be an understatement.
Just recently he was seen visiting the John Druce 98th birthday celebration, then later at Kevin Kiley's Opera House side entrance birthday bash! And, also more recently than not, sending us all wonderful views of Ocean Point at some ungodly hour, in rain and sleet and dark of morning.
Once I commented on his new postings and found that he feels a tugging kinship with his father's career as a painter. One could do worse than be a swinger of birches!
Rusty still has a place to go to on Monhegan, although I'm not sure how often he does. If you asked him, and offered to pay for fuel and a nice bottle of wine, you might be able to talk him into considering the crossing. Although you may need to discuss the schedule with his son, Eben, who I think uses the boat on a fairly regular basis too. I believe Casey Anne is back in the water now if I am recalling Facebook photos of final bottom painting from a while ago.
I think that's something one does as a last step in preparation for a new season. Sorry for my lack of nautical experience. But, one doesn't generally paint the bottom of one's boat just prior to putting it up for winter, does one?
My good natured subtitle regarding the subject of today's adventure is “Ol' Eagle Eye,” but I'm sure Martin Page will offer something a bit more colorful. Don't hold back Martin!
Back in the Leonie “Thistle” days, the prize for winning Cribbage Challenge Tuesday with Captain Court could net a free ticket to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus at the Railway Village in June. “Free beer tomorrow,” right Bet!?
Have a good day.